Let There Be Light

You should aim to get enough light. Daylight has a big impact on your sleep/wake cycle: if you’re not getting enough light, you’ll feel hungry, moody, and struggle to sleep.

Get outside as often as you can. even if it’s rainy or overcast, you’ll be exposed to at least 1,000 lux. Enough to help reset your sleep/wake cycle.

You could also invest in a 10,000 lux light box — give yourself a 20 to 30 minute blast first thing, or during the day when you feel down (not during night as it will keep you awake).

Sunlight can impact everything from your mood to your weight, which is why it’s so important to have a healthy, safe exposure.

The sun is very strong, coming in at 40,000 lux, compared to Office lights which put out a measly 500. So, you should go outside and soak up the sun, ideally early in the day.

Getting enough light during the day will help with your sleep, as it will reset your circadian clock.

It will also help if you are affected by the winter blues (SAD).

Another way to bring more light into your life is by taking your lunch break outside, or you could squeeze in a morning walk before work, or why not wind down on your patio at the end of the day.