A commonly neglected part of the body is the neck.
It supports our head and suffers from poor desk posture. We hold tension here because the muscles can become tight if strained, or if the shoulders hike up. This causes a constant state of contraction which builds up tension.
1. Lie face down, with your forehead on the floor, palms facing down.
2. Pinch your shoulder blades together, then lift your hands off the floor, then your chest.
3. Look straight down (looking forward can strain the neck), hold for 15 seconds, then lower.
Do this 15 times. This will strengthen the muscles along your neck.
1. Stand with your back against a wall and, without moving away, slowly roll your head down so that your chin moves towards your chest.
2. Roll slowly back up, then repeat 15 times.
You can also do this exercise at your desk if you are sat with a straight back and feet firmly on the floor. It helps release tension in the back of your neck.